Top Of The Week

What are the 4 basic model of strategic management?

The four phases of strategic management are formulation, implementation, evaluation and modification. A basic model of...

What are the 5 types of business level strategies?

Leading in costs means offering the best price for products. Today's globalized markets make price an important factor...

What are the 5 strategies?

Mintzberg developed his 5 P's of strategy as five different definitions (or approaches to) developing strategy. He first...

What are 5 generic strategies?

A company that tries to participate in each generic strategy, but fails to achieve any of them, is considered to be...

What are the main strategies in businesses?

By adopting a structuralist strategy, you will build your business operations around current market conditions and use...

What is a business strategy and examples?

A business strategy is a plan that describes how a company will achieve its objectives. There are many different business ...

Top Of The Month